A Hartlepool primary school has received praise from Ofsted following a recent inspection.

Inspectors visited Barnard Grove Primary School on 5/6 November 2024 as part of Ofsted’s national programme of school inspection.

The Ofsted report says that the school has taken effective action to maintain the standards set at the previous inspection when it was judged to be “good”.

The report states: “Pupils are proud to attend Barnard Grove Primary School. They feel happy, safe and valued here. Parents explain that the school feels like a family. This is reflected in the warm relationships between staff and pupils. Pupils are keen to make their teachers proud. They work hard and achieve well.

“The school has high expectations that are clearly summed up in their school values of ‘ready, respectful, safe and kind’. Pupils understand and live these values. Pupils are taught how to behave well. They recognise this as the ‘Barnard Grove way’.

“Pupils’ school experience is enriched by a range of trips and visits. Many pupils also enjoy taking part in a wide range of extra-curricular sporting clubs and competitions.”

The report, which has been sent to all parents/carers, adds: “Pupils achieve well at Barnard Grove. From their arrival, pupils begin learning important foundational knowledge quickly.

“The school has an ambitious wider curriculum in place. It has been designed to make sure that pupils learn about their own community as well as the world beyond.

“Pupils are keen to learn and engage in lessons. They are confident to share their ideas and happy to give things a go.

“The school is an inclusive community and staff have been well trained to identify pupils who may have SEND (Special educational needs and disability).

“Pupils across school are kind to each other. Across the inspection, older pupils were seen helping and playing with younger pupils. Pupils know what bullying is and explain that it is taken very seriously in school. They are confident that teachers would sort it out quickly.”

Leadership also comes in for praise at the school.

“Leaders have an accurate view of the school’s strengths and areas for further development. Staff and parents explain that leaders are visible and willing to listen. Staff feel well supported in school. Staff, pupils and families are proud to be part of this school community,” says the report.

Headteacher Lee Walker commented: “This is a very pleasing report. It highlights many of the positive aspects of the Barnard Grove school community where everyone works very closely together to do the very best for our children.”

Barnard Grove is home to 285 pupils between the age of three and 11 and is one of ten schools under the umbrella of Ad Astra Academy Trust.

Andy Brown OBE, Chief Executive Officer of Ad Astra Academy Trust, said: “This is a very positive report, and I would like to congratulate everyone for ensuring that the high standards at Barnard Grove are being maintained.”

Ofsted’s Lead Inspector for the visit was Katie Spurr.

There are some child places available in certain year groups. For further information, call the school on 01429 230300.

The other primary schools within Ad Astra are Brougham, West Park and West View in Hartlepool, Crooksbarn and Rosebrook in Stockton-on-Tees, Ayresome and Sunnyside in Middlesbrough and Deaf Hill and Kelloe in Durham.

Please click on the link below to view the full Ofsted report.

Barnard Grove Primary School – Ofsted Report

A Hartlepool higher level teaching assistant has waved goodbye after serving a primary school for over thirty-eight years.

Colette Richardson, who has worked in a number of roles at Barnard Grove Primary School since March 1986, called time on her career at the end of the summer term.

Lee Walker, Headteacher of Barnard Grove Primary School, said: “Mrs Richardson has been an outstanding member of staff. To serve a single school for over thirty-eight years is an amazing achievement and shows her true dedication and commitment to the Barnard Grove community.

“She has worked with several generations of families throughout her time and has never wavered in her commitment in laying the foundations for our youngest children to become the fine young people that they are.

“Mrs Richardson has the unique quality of remembering everybody and always, without fail, sees the best in people with her lovely caring nature.

“Everyone connected with Barnard Grove has huge respect for Mrs Richardson and we all wish her a long and happy retirement which she so richly deserves.”

Barnard Grove is one of ten schools under the umbrella of Ad Astra Academy Trust.

Andy Brown OBE, Chief Executive Officer with Ad Astra, said: “Mrs Richardson has been an extremely valued member of staff at Barnard Grove and made a significant contribution over a considerable length of time.

“She’ll always be part of the Barnard Grove family, and I wish her the very best of luck in the future.”

Colette Richardson commented: “Barnard Grove Primary School and the local community have been a huge part of my life for the past thirty-eight years.

“The generations of families I have worked with along with the amazing, dedicated staff have created some of the most special memories that I will always cherish. It is extremely difficult to say goodbye. I will miss everyone, but especially the children.”

The other primary schools within Ad Astra are Brougham, West Park and West View in Hartlepool, Crooksbarn and Rosebrook in Stockton-on-Tees, Ayresome and Sunnyside in Middlesbrough and Deaf Hill and Kelloe in Durham.

Picture Caption – Colette Richardson is pictured with Headteacher Lee Walker and Barnard Grove pupils

Issued 23 July 2024.

Children from ten primary schools across Teesside and County Durham came together recently (7 June) to demonstrate their sporting talents.

Pupils from Ad Astra Academy Trust schools met up for the day-long sports event at Middlesbrough Sports Village where they competed in a range of events including running, long jump, hurdles and distance throwing.

Pete Wiley and Helen Durnion, School Improvement Leads with Ad Astra, helped co-ordinate the event.

Pete Wiley said: “We organise regular collaborative events for our schools and the sports event was a huge success.

“All of the pupils showed their determination to succeed. They gave their all and competed in a very respectful manner.

“One of our primary schools (Ayresome) hold their annual sports day at Middlesbrough Sports Village so we modelled their programme and it worked really well.

“Performing at such a notable regional sporting venue like Middlesbrough Sports Village can only help inspire our pupils to achieve high in their chosen sports.”

Around 150 youngsters aged between 7 and 11 took part in the event and they all received a medal.

A rosette was also awarded to a child from each school who was judged to best reflect the Ad Astra Academy Trust STARS (Support, Togetherness, Achieve, Respect, Success) values.

The ten schools under the umbrella of Ad Astra Academy Trust are Sunnyside and Ayresome in Middlesbrough, Crooksbarn and Rosebrook in Stockton-on-Tees, Barnard Grove, Brougham, West Park and West View in Hartlepool and Deaf Hill and Kelloe in County Durham.

Andy Brown OBE, Chief Executive Officer of Ad Astra Academy Trust, said: “This was a wonderful event, and I would like to thank everyone who contributed to its success.

“As a Trust we encourage our pupils to participate in sport and physical activity as part of our overall approach to promote healthy lifestyles.

“Events like this are also important because they provide an opportunity for our children to meet their counterparts from other schools.”


Ad Astra Academy Trust was formed in 2015 and over the last nine years has grown across the Tees Valley, providing education for over 3,500 pupils and 525 employees in Middlesbrough, Stockton-on-Tees and Hartlepool.

Children from eight primary school across Teesside came together this week (24 January) to demonstrate their creative art talents.

Pupils from Ad Astra Academy Trust schools met up at Sunnyside Academy in Coulby Newham for the day-long event where they made ceramic tiles from clay.

Prior to the event, pupils were tasked with designing their tiles to reflect the principles and values of individual Ad Astra schools.

Helen Craggs, Art Leader at Sunnyside Academy, who helped co-ordinate the event, said: “This is the first time that Ad Astra schools have collaborated on an event like this.

“Sunnyside Academy is the only school within Ad Astra to have its own kiln, so it is an ideal location.

“The event has given children the opportunity to demonstrate their creative talent and all of the ceramic tiles will be displayed at Ad Astra’s Festival of Education later this year.”

The eight schools under the umbrella of Ad Astra are Sunnyside and Ayresome in Middlesbrough, Crooksbarn and Rosebrook in Stockton-on-Tees and Barnard Grove, Brougham, West Park and West View in Hartlepool.

Andy Brown OBE, Chief Executive Officer of Ad Astra Academy Trust, added: “Creative arts features strongly in all of our schools and is an important part of the curriculum.

“All of the children have fully embraced the event. The artwork is of an exceptional standard, and I am very proud of all the pupils who participated.”

Ad Astra Academy Trust was formed in 2015 and over the last nine years has grown across the Tees Valley, providing education for over 3,500 pupils and 525 employees in Middlesbrough, Stockton-on-Tees and Hartlepool.

Issued by Alastair Rae, on behalf of Ad Astra Academy Trust. For further information, call 07581239557.

25 January 2024



Children at seven primary schools across Teesside are set to benefit from a new project after a £50,000 cash boost.

It follows a successful bid to SHINE, an education charity that works with schools and other organisations, to help disadvantaged children fulfil their true potential.

The schools, in Hartlepool, Middlesbrough and Stockton-on-Tees, are all part of Ad Astra Academy Trust and the money will be used to improve speech and language skills of 3 and 4-year-olds.

Philippa Kermotschuk, Deputy Lead for School Improvement with Ad Astra Academy Trust, said: “We are seeing an increasing number of children entering our schools with below average speech and language skills.

“We want to ensure that all of our children get off to the best possible start at school and this funding will help us to focus on the children who need additional support to bring their speech and language skills to the required level.”

The SHINE grant of £52,080 will be spent over a two-year period. It will involve various initiatives including the appointment of speech and language champions at each school and programmes for parents to help them support and encourage their children.

Dr Helen Rafferty, Interim Chief Executive Officer of SHINE, said: “SHINE is delighted to be working with the Ad Astra Academy Trust on this important and inspiring project.

“We know that the early years of a child’s educational journey are critically important in giving them the best possible chances in life, and that speech and communication is one of the most vital skills our children can develop.

“We are looking forward to seeing many more children in the region find their voice and thrive throughout their school years.”

Andy Brown OBE, Chief Executive Officer for Ad Astra Academy Trust, commented: “We are delighted to receive financial support from SHINE and there’s no doubt it will help to raise standards and aspirations of our young children.”

It’s felt that the increased reliance on technology in recent years and a rise in poverty across our communities are the main contributory factors to young children lacking basic speech and language skills.

Leanne Todd, Headteacher of Rosebrook Primary School, added: “It is so important that children get off to a good start with their speech and acquisition of language as it enables them to succeed in all areas of the curriculum as well as to socialise and interact with others.

“The initiative will help our schools to identify issues at an early stage in a child’s development, meaning we can intervene sooner to enable all children to keep up or catch up.”

The seven primary schools within Ad Astra Academy Trust are Barnard Grove, Brougham, West Park and West View in Hartlepool, Ayresome in Middlesbrough and Crooksbarn and Rosebrook in Stockton-on-Tees.

Issued by Alastair Rae on behalf of Ad Astra Academy Trust. For further information, contact Alastair on 0758 1239557.