School Meals

School Meals

School Meals

Autumn Winter 2024-2025 School Menu

School Dinners

For children in Reception and Key Stage 1 (Y1 & Y2), school dinners are provided free of charge as part of the government’s Universal Free School Meals initiative.

For children in Key Stage 2 (Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6), dinners are provided and cooked on site by the local authority at a cost of £13.25 per week (£2.65 per day). All dinners should be paid for at the beginning of each week through ParentPay.

Packed Lunches

Children can bring a healthy packed lunch as an alternative to a school meal – we ask that no chocolate bars, sweets, fizzy drinks or nuts of any kind are included.

Please give the school office two weeks’ notice of any intention to change from school dinners to packed lunch so that adjustments can be made to kitchen orders.


Free School Meals

If you think that you are entitled to free school meals for your child, then please call 01429 284 188 for further guidance.

Please note that free school meals cannot be given until the school has been contacted by the Local Authority.

Even if your child is in Reception or Key Stage One, we urge you to see whether they are eligible for free school meals because it also provides school with an additional stream of income, with a current value £1,345 per eligible pupil per year, in order to further support your child’s education.



Milk is available to all children in school at if you wish (under fives are free). We use Cool Milk as our provider so parents need to register and make payments directly to them via the website.



Pupils are welcome to bring a healthy snack for break time if they wish e.g. fruit, healthy breakfast bar etc…



We encourage all children to have a water bottle in school to keep them hydrated during the day. School bottles are available from the office at a cost of £1.50 (to be purchased through Parent Pay)

*Please remember to inform us of any allergies your child may have.